Rules & Regulations
The organizer and third parties involved in the organization of this event cannot be held liable for any injury, illness and/or damage that visitors to the event may experience, either inside or outside the Event grounds.
Unauthorized sellers or resellers will be charged and prosecuted by the organizer. Do not buy tickets through unauthorized (resale) channels or persons. Each ticket is personal and can therefore not be resold or transferred to another person.
Alcoholic beverages may not be sold, offered or consumed by -16 year olds under any circumstances. 16 and 17 year olds may only consume beer and wine or alcoholic beverages.
If there is an incident or you feel unsafe, you can report to a member of staff or to a first-aider. These services are permanently present. Violence or transgressive behavior will not be tolerated at the Event.
At this public event, you may be filmed or photographed without express permission. No rights can be derived from this.
1. WOW Code of Practice
The minimum rider age for riding on the track is 10 years – between 10-15 years must be supervised by an adult.
Take Care
All must read and understand this and the General rules and conditions before participating in any event.
What Onewheels are allowed?
You are able to ride any Onewheel type from V1, Plus, Pint, Pint-x, XR, GT, GT-S, Floatwheel or DIY VESC. You are entirely responsible for your own onewheel. There are repair facilities on the event if needed.
Remember other users
There are many different riders with different styles at the event. Please take caution of the fact that you need to slow down or stop at any moment when the organisation instructs you to.
Obey the signs and instructions from staff
They are there for your safety and the safety of others. Ride with care when passing people working on the tracks.
We suggest that you do not ride alone; bring a friend, even if just to spectate. In the event of a serious accident, please report it to a first aider and someone of the crew that is present. We need to know the nature of the accident, where it has occurred and an accident form must be completed.
Helmets & Insurance
You must wear a helmet and wrist protection when riding any track. Consider your insurance situation; are you insured for personal injury and 3rd party liability?
Failure to comply
You will be banned from riding for a specific period depending on the infringement. There will be no refund of money paid for the rider in this case.
Thrash in nature
Help keep the Wanyi Park and its surroundings looking sweet. Throw your litter in the bin or take it home. Same for sigaret buds!
Respect gets respect
Onewheeling is a new sport; please give us the reputation we deserve as a legitimate sport - respect others and we will help ensure we are welcome back next year.
2. WOW Participation Statement
I have read and understand the Code of Practice.
I am not aware of any medical condition which would preclude me riding the tracks.
I agree riding Onewheel is a dangerous activity and I am prepared to ride at my own risk.
I agree I must wear an appropriate helmet correctly fitted, full face helmets and armour advised.
My Onehweel is suitable for the tracks (waterproofing is advised).
I must ride with respect for all visitors.
I must remain on the tracks / access road without cutting corners.
I must be aware of vehicles, walkers, workers, cyclists and other riders - note tracks cross other roads and paths in the Oignies forest.
I must ride with care when passing other people on the track
I must use toilets provided or my ticket will be removed without a refund. The mountain is a place of natural beauty, not a toilet / bathroom. Facilities are provided in multiple places on site.
For the bike tracks:
I understand that the WOW event takes place on the access road(s). The bike tracks are steep, technical, ‘natural’ style single-track mountain bike tracks and are not intended or recommended for use on a Onewheel.
3. WOW Competitor Rules
All WOW competitors should:
3.1 Abide within the rules.
3.2 Show respect to your team, opposition and officials and treat them as you would want to be treated.
3.3 Not bully, interfere or take unfair advantage of any competitor.
3.4 Make new competitors feel welcome.
3.5 Ensure your equipment is properly prepared and safe and to dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
3.6 If you have previously been threatening or aggressive to any of the event organisers you will not be welcome to attend the event. Should this have previously occurred and you do purchase a ticket, it will be refunded once only. Should you purchase again after this refund, you will not be refunded for the event or given entrance/access to the event. You will be asked to leave and any refusal to do so will result in being removed from premises.
3.7 All competitors must bring their own Onewheel. No Onewheels will be supplied for the race.
3.8 You shall ride with care when passing other people on the track.
3.9 All competitors are expected to be physically capable of participating; intoxication due to drugs and / or alcohol use will not be tolerated.
3.10 Respect the position of the event organiser and their role, in accordance with published WOW rules.
3.11 WOW reserves the right to use seeding times to determine overall race results in the event of the event being cancelled due to extreme weather.
4. Complaints, Cancellations, Refunds Policy & Procedure
4.1 Any issues, complaints or grievances should be brought up with the event organisers in a timely and appropriate manner. Violence, threatening behaviour or abuse towards Wanyi Park and WOW staff, volunteers and other participants will not be tolerated.
4.2 If any person should wish to make a complaint about a matter of conduct at an event they should in the first instance, speak to the event organiser (WOW) who will be present at each event.
4.3 The event will go ahead if it is deemed reasonably practicable to do so. Cancellations are permitted for extreme weather conditions such as gale force winds, heavy rainfall or lightning that prevent the event from continuing safely. If weather conditions deteriorate to such a degree that the event is unable to continue, refunds will not be offered as the weather control is out of our hands.
4.4 Refunds will not be offered due to injury sustained while competing in the event, participants being too late to the start gate, or incapacitation due to intoxication due to drugs and / or alcohol use.
4.5 A 90% refund will be offered if 72 hours or more notice is provided prior to the event (20/07/2024). After this time, no refunds will be offered.
4.6. WOW is not responsible for external accommodation, food or other activity bookings made by participants, which are booked separately.